Other activities related to implementation and evaluation
The Basel Committee is also involved in other initiatives relating to the implementation of its standards:
- Implementation reports to the G20: The Committee regularly updates the G20 on member jurisdictions' progress towards implementing the Basel III standards.
- QIS monitoring: The Committee monitors the impact of its standards on a sample of banks on a semiannual basis and compiles the results in Quantitative Impact Studies (QIS).
- Surveys on subjects of supervisory interest: The Financial Stability Institute (FSI) conducts surveys on subjects of supervisory interest and shares the results with the supervisory community.
- G-SIBs - assessment methodology and the additional loss absorbency requirement: The Basel Committee's assessment methodology helps to identify global systemically important banks (G-SIBs) and allocate them to buckets that will be used to determine their higher loss absorbency requirement.
- Countercyclical capital buffer: The Basel Committee's countercyclical capital buffer aims to ensure that banking sector capital requirements take account of the macro-financial environment in which banks operate.
The Committee is also involved in cross-sectoral thematic evaluations conducted by the Financial Stability Board (FSB):
- Assessing the effects of G20 financial regulatory reforms: The Committee participates in evaluations of the analysis of the effects of G20 reforms conducted by the FSB in collaboration with the standard setting bodies (SSBs). This has included evaluations related to the effects of reforms on central clearing of over-the-counter (OTC) derivatives; infrastructure finance; small and medium-sized enterprise (SME) financing; and systematically important banks ("too-big-to-fail").