About committees and associations

As part of our commitment to the Basel Process, we host and support a number of international institutions engaged in the pursuit of financial stability. Several of these groups set international standards in the expectation that individual national authorities will implement them.

BIS committees

The following committees located at the BIS support central banks and other jurisdictional authorities responsible for financial stability by providing background analysis and policy recommendations. Each is supported by a BIS secretariat, which prepares the committee meetings, background papers and reports and publishes the group's work. The committees have their own respective governance arrangements and reporting lines, and their agendas are guided by various groups of central banks and supervisory authorities. 


The following associations involved in international cooperation in the area of financial stability also have their secretariats at the BIS, but have their own separate legal identity and governance structure and report to their members. 

  • Financial Stability Board: coordinates the work of national authorities and international standard setters  in developing and promoting the implementation of effective regulatory, supervisory and other financial sector policies in the interest of global financial stability.
  • International Association of Deposit Insurers: sets global standards for deposit insurance systems and promotes cooperation on deposit insurance and bank resolution arrangements.
  • International Association of Insurance Supervisors: sets global standards for the insurance sector to promote effective and globally consistent supervision for the benefit and protection of policyholders and to contribute to global financial stability.

* The access of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation to all BIS services, meetings and other BIS activities has been suspended.